Spectra UX Culture | Umbrosa

  • Spectra UX Culture Umbrosa - Spectra

Ethnic influences play an increasing role in the outdoor scene. Colours and playful shapes are not only used for accessories. The Culture umbrella with its brownish red and pink shades is the most colourfull umbrella of this collection. It is a showstopper and eye-catcher for the creative daredevils amongst us. By extending the form element of the rounded corners of the base to the canvas, and reusing the fabric of the canvas around the base, we create not only simplicity but also playfulness within the product. This allows the location to vary from a trendy rooftop bar to a down to earth small resort. Anything is possible!


Vorig artikel: Spectra UX Nature | Volgend artikel: Spectra UX Marine

Zomersluiting - terug OPEN op 1 augustus
Beste Klant, We zijn er even tussenuit om te genieten van wat rust. Vanaf 1 augustus zijn weer OPEN en klaar en fris om u te bedienen. Dank voor uw begrip en ook een mooie zomer gewenst !